8 reasons why sleeping naked is healthy for you

There are clear benefits to sleeping naked, although it is personal and depends on individual preferences. Here are some reasons why some people choose to sleep without clothes

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1 min read

Living in a narcissistic hell

This is the life story of Sandra. She had a relationship with a 'hidden narcissist' for five years: 'I was stuck in a narcissistic web'. Sandra Markant (53) has been in a relationship with a hidden narcissist for five years. Ultimately, a dream literally wakes her up, after which she delves more into the subject of narcissism, works on herself and leaves her ex-partner.

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5 min read

Burn out versus depression. What is the difference?

Burn out, or a burned-out feeling that makes work and daily activities no longer possible, is no longer unknown to anyone. But are there so many people in burnout now? Are we that burned out in 2024? Psychiatrist Dr. Anne Bakhit is quite critical of the burnout. “The Netherlands and Germany are one of the few countries where burnout is diagnosed. In countries like America or France, burnout as a condition does not exist.”

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4 min read

Tips how to handle a depressive partner

If your partner has depression, this is also very traumatic for you. Because you want to be close and help, but your partner's illness should not put your life on hold either. What to do? Here are some tips for dealing with a depressed partner.

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1 min read

The 20 signs of a toxic relationship

Sometimes a relationship that is not going well can still be saved. But sometimes relationships are just purely toxic, and it's better to put an end to it. We share here twenty signals that indicate this. Previously we wrote about four signs that you are dealing with a narcissist. Find that in our other blog below.

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1 min read

Ramadan and quitting bad habits: alcohol

With 8 days for Ramadan to start, is a great way to change lifestyle in the upcoming month. As most Muslims go fasting, praying much and try to change to a positive mindset for a better life and health, also for non-muslims it's a perfect way to get rid of negative habits. For instance to quit drinking alcohol.

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2 min read

Anxiety and how to handle it

Anxiety, fear and panic Most people feel anxious or scared sometimes, but if it's affecting your life there are things you can try that may help. Support is also available if you're finding it hard to cope with anxiety, fear or panic. Symptoms of anxiety Anxiety can cause many different symptoms. It might affect how you feel physically, mentally and how you behave. It's not always easy to recognise when anxiety is the reason you're feeling or acting differently.

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1 min read

Why pushing away bad thoughts can be constructive

Clearing the mind of anxious thoughts, rather than processing them, can sometimes be good for our mental health. This is evident from British research. In the late 1980s, scientists discovered something unexpected: People who were first asked not to think about white bears, and later asked to think about them, had more thoughts about white bears than people who were only asked to think about white bears. This led to the belief that blocking unwanted thoughts ironically makes them come back more often.

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6 min read

Why it's so Hard to Break Up in a Bad Relationship

Basic learning principles explain why people keep betting on bad relationships. KEY POINTS Bad relationships can have an addictive quality that makes it hard to break up, or to stay broken up. Patterns of reward help explain the difficulty in saying goodbye to a bad partner.

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3 min read

Obesity and Mental Health: A Surprisingly Strong Connection

A new large-scale study finds obesity often precedes mental-health disorders. About one in three people worldwide are overweight and there is increasing evidence that obesity as a physical health issue may also be connected to many mental health problems. A new study, published in the scientific journal “Translational Psychiatry” (Leutner et al., 2023), was focused on investigating the link between obesity and mental health problems in a huge dataset of several million people.

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3 min read

The long term use effects of anti-depressiva

Antidepressants lead to emotional blunting in users: now it is finally clear why In many cases, antidepressants do what they are supposed to do. But that comes at a price in some patients. Scientists now know why they feel emotionally blunted. Depressed people feel down and no longer enjoy the things they normally enjoy. To solve their problem, they take antidepressants. In the Netherlands, approximately one million people are prescribed these drugs every year. This makes it one of the most commonly used drugs. Yet half of the users have a nasty side effect: they feel emotionally dulled. Scientists now think they know why: the resources have an effect on reinforcement learning, or our ability to learn through reward.

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2 min read


It’s important to identify the warning signs and seek help early on! Unfortunately, there is no easy way to determine whether certain behaviors are a sign of mental illness. However, people who feel they are going crazy often have one thing in common: something feels amiss. Mental health problems are common, with about 1 in 5 people at least one problem throughout their lives. With situation of (past) pandemic, economic recession and war threats in many parts of the world, many have also dealt with increasing stress.

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2 min read