1 min read
8 reasons why sleeping naked is healthy for you

There are clear benefits to sleeping naked, although it is personal and depends on individual preferences. Here are some reasons why some people choose to sleep without clothes:
 1. Convenience. You don't have to wash your pajamas. You don't even have to buy it
 2. You eliminate pajama time. Many of us are putting on our pajamas earlier and earlier.  So that they are already in a somewhat resting position. Sometimes you put on your pajamas as soon as you get home from work. What constitutes waking and what constitutes sleep becomes increasingly vague. If you sleep naked it becomes crystal clear again (unless you also start walking around the house naked)
 3. Pride. When you sleep naked you gain more appreciation for your own naked body
 4. You will have more sex: one barrier has already been broken
 5. You will have a better relationship with your partner. Nothing is better for bonding than skin-to-skin contact. Then the Oxytocin, the bonding hormone, flows freely
 6. People who sleep naked sleep better
 7. It's good for your skin, it can breathe freely every night
 8. You're getting older. Pajamas keep your body temperature higher. At a lower temperature the growth hormone matures better
Sleep well - Dr. Anne Bakhit

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