Anxiety, fear and panic
Most people feel anxious or scared sometimes, but if it's affecting your life there are things you can try that may help. Support is also available if you're finding it hard to cope with anxiety, fear or panic.
Symptoms of anxiety
Anxiety can cause many different symptoms. It might affect how you feel physically, mentally and how you behave. It's not always easy to recognise when anxiety is the reason you're feeling or acting differently.
If you experience sudden, intense anxiety and fear, it might be the symptoms of a panic attack. Other symptoms may include:
*a racing heartbeat
*feeling faint, dizzy or lightheaded
*feeling that you're losing control
*sweating, trembling or shaking
*shortness of breath or breathing very quickly
*a tingling in your fingers or lips
*feeling sick (nausea)
A panic attack usually lasts 5 to 30 minutes. They can be frightening, but they're not dangerous and should not harm you.
What you an do?
Try talking about your feelings to a friend, family member or someone near to you. Next: use calming breathing exercisesor fysical activities such as running, walking, swimming and yoga can help you relaxPrevent insomnia: ask for help, like your doctor or pharmacist, because lack of sleep may increase your mood with 70% so don't struggling to long with this problem. Self care: eat a healthy food with regular meals to keep your energy levels stable. Consider peer support, where people use their experiences to help each other. Listen to free mental wellbeing audio guides. Or visit a health professional or counsellor. You can contact us, WhatsApp: 01102093196, call: 01102093196 or email: