How it works when you come to our center:After your first contact with us, we invite you for an introduction, so you can meet your therapist, you can tell about the issues you suffer, and the doctor will explain what he/she can do for you. You receive an intake form, that you need to full in so we have all important information about your mental condition, previous treatments, and background information. This meeting takes 45 minutes and we ask a low fee of 20 EUR (around 1000 EGP).
The next step is the intake consultation: you can explain your complaints and past experiences, and the doctor will discuss the intake form with you and offer the best suitable therapy, the frequency and how long the traject will take.
For the first therapy sessions it is best to visit us weekly. After one month this can be reduced to every two weeks, but this depends on your progress and your wishes. Average treatment process will take 10 sessions.
In case of BPD or Bipolar most clients choose a weekly session for a longer period of time. This prevents them from a drop back in their mental health.
In case of temporary mental stress, some clients prefer to make a call when they feel out of control, and use sessions only in case they need it.
So how your therapy is going to look like, it all depends on your needs. With the advice of the doctor, you can start your healing process with us. In some cases medication will be perscribed, but as this interfers the clear mind, we are not stickle to that.
A therapy session takes around one hour. Also there are tasks to be done at your house (home work), and you have free contact on WhatsApp/call. It's important that if you start suffer complaints, to contact us directly.
You can reach us 24/7.